The Greens Say Parliament Can Legalize Pot in Australia

The Australian Greens say that parliament has the power to legalize recreational pot in the country as the party prepares its bid for cannabis reform. According to The Guardian, the Greens––currently the minor party in Australia––have received advice from...

South Carolina Farmer Sues State Over Destroyed Hemp Crop

A South Carolina farmer has filed a lawsuit against the state over the destruction of his hemp crop in 2019. The suit, filed on September 16 by John Trenton Pendarvis, alleges that a trio of state agencies––the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, Department of...
From the Archives: The Steps to Legalization (1989)

From the Archives: The Steps to Legalization (1989)

By Ed Rosenthal For a long time, activists have been waiting for NORML to start a political legalization drive. Years ago, California NORML had a functional organization. However, currently it’s in the hands of a Board of Directors who combine the worst qualities;...