Hong Kong Expected To Ban CBD

According to the Hong Kong Free Press, a Hong Kong Legislative Council Panel on Security announced in June that it would pursue a ban on CBD. In a written paper, the council claimed that the reason for this is because CBD always has the potential to contain trace...

Nebraska Medical Pot Initiative Fails To Qualify For Ballot

A bid to get a medical cannabis proposal on the Nebraska ballot this year officially came up short on Monday. Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana said that the Secretary of State Bob Evnen “announced that our effort to relieve the pain of so many suffering Nebraskans did...

Oklahoma Legislation Appears To Fall Short of Ballot

A recreational legalization initiative in Oklahoma may be in jeopardy of not making it to the state ballot this November, despite organizers gathering more than enough signatures to qualify. The leaders of the “Yes On 820 Campaign” said on Monday that the Oklahoma...